|  | Listen and Learn about Conservation "Something Fishy & Building Fish" - River Radius Podcast The River Radius Podcast recently published 2 episodes about the history of the Greenback Cutthroat Trout and the project going on to restore them to the Poudre Headwaters. Learn more about the Poudre Headwaters Project and hear from Dick Jefferies, Conservation Committee Chair of the Rocky Mountain Flycasters, about the state's largest native trout restoration program for the Cache la Poudre river headwaters. You can listen to the podcast below or search for "The River Radius" on Spotify, Apple Podcast, & Google Podcast. | | | | | |  | Learning By Doing is a collaborative effort dedicated to maintaining and, where possible, improving the aquatic environment in Grand County. The 2020 water season started with above-average snowpack in the Upper Colorado River Basin, which allowed reservoirs that rely on water from the basin to fill or nearly fill. However, long periods of below average precipitation, coupled with above average air temperatures extending through the month of August, along with water diversions, reduced streamflow levels during the summer. | | | | | | |  | Registration for the full conference is FREE! October 12-14, 17, and 19-21 Colorado TU will be holding its annual Rendezvous over a series of multiple sessions starting October 12, 2020. In the past, this has been an in-person event, but now we have created a virtual event that is free and open to everyone. If you are interested in learning about Colorado Trout Unlimited and the great work that is happening across the state to conserve, protect, and restore our coldwater fisheries and their watersheds, then this is for you. | | | | Annual TU Teen Essay Contest - Grand Prize is a Temple Fork Outfitters BVK fly rod with a Prism reel Youth ages 12 to 18 are invited to participate in the annual TU Teen Essay Contest. We hope to hear from teens across the country describing the moment they felt a responsibility to become involved in conservation. Deadline to enter is October 31. Learn more about prizes and eligibility here. Any youth that enters will receive a free one-year TU membership. | | | | | Fixing what ails our western forests and communities Across much of the western United States, fires grow bigger. More people perish. More homes burn. The rush to assign blame increases. | | | | | High Country Angler and Colorado Trout Unlimited had the chance to pose a series of questions to the major-party candidates for U.S. Senate – current Senator Cory Gardner, and former Governor John Hickenlooper. Both campaigns were given up to 250 words to answer each question; their answers appear exactly as submitted. We encourage you to read through their responses, to take time to get educated on the candidates and issues on this year’s ballot, and to vote by November 3! | | | | | Tying the Autumn Splendor With fall streamer season kicking into high gear, this is a great pattern to have in your arsenal. | | | | | Fall 2020 High Country Angler Check out the new Fall 2020 issue of High Country Angler e-zine! Featuring articles on fishing still water with Landon Mayer, the CTU president reflecting on a historic public lands win, a Q&A with Colorado's U.S. Senate candidates, Colorado’s energy future, CTU's Annual Report and much more, including the regular columns: -
FALL FLING by Joel Evans -
A DAY ON THE CONEJOS by Hayden Mellsop -
THE LAST CAST by Dr. John Nickum. | | | | | | | Take Action: Ensure Responsible Energy Development with safeguards for wildlife, fish and their habitat Please take a moment to give your voice and urge the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) to ensure responsible energy development through providing safeguards for wildlife, fish and their habitat. Both the outdoor economy and our Colorado quality of life depend on it. Commenting deadline on the 1200 Series Rules is TODAY, OCTOBER 8, 2020 at 12 pm MT. | | | | | Featured Business Partner: Williams Williams is a Colorado TU River Champion Business Partner and generous supporter of our Headwaters Youth and River Watch programs. Their support provides critical funding for Colorado TU youth education efforts such as STREAM Girls and Trout in the Classroom. Williams is a leader in providing infrastructure that safely delivers natural gas products to reliably fuel the clean energy economy. | | | | |  | See all upcoming events on our calendars below. | | | | | | | | | The Five Rivers TU Chapter is raffling off a fly fishing gear package! One lucky winner will receive a fly fishing package containing: Redington Vice 9' 6wt, Reel: Lamson Liquid 3 pack reel 5+ 5/6 wt. (comes with 2 extra spools), Line: Rio In touch 10 ft streamer tip 6 wt., Loaded fly box with streamers, 12 lb. streamer leader, and a San Juan Angler hat. Total Prize Package Value: $600.83 Proceeds from this raffle will support the Five Rivers TU Chapter and their mission to protect, conserve and restore coldwater fisheries and their local river watersheds; the Animas, Piedra, Florida, Pine and San Juan. This is an exclusive raffle with only 50 entries at $30.00/ticket. | | | | | | Colorado Trout Unlimited is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to conserve, protect, and restore Colorado's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. | | Colorado Trout Unlimited 1536 Wynkoop Street Suite 320 | Denver, Colorado 80202 3034402937 | info@coloradotu.org | | | | | Share with your river friends: | | | | | |