|  | | New Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Native Reel, Benefiting Trout Unlimited | |  | Announcing the all-new Native Series: Rio Grande Cutthroat Reel! We have partnered with Ross Reels on this third limited edition Native Series reel to benefit Trout Unlimited's work on the Rio San Antonio Improvement Project to restore native Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout. Each special edition Ross Colorado 4/5 reel includes a number of 1 to 495, as well as "Rio Grande" on the reel foot. Each purchase of this reel contributes $75 to Colorado Trout Unlimited and our efforts to conserve, protect, and restore native Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout. | | | | | | | Bipartisan Abandoned Mine Cleanup Bill Passes Senate Committee The Senate Energy & Public Works Committee today passed by unanimous consent bipartisan ‘Good Samaritan’ legislation that would help clean up chronic pollution leaking from abandoned hardrock mines. The legislation will now be considered by the full Senate, where the bill is supported by 28 Senators split evenly between Republicans and Democrats. | | | | | | Register for the CTU River Conservation & Fly Fishing Camp CTU River Conservation & Fly Fishing Camp is for youth 14 - 18 years old and we accept 20 campers each year. Campers spend a week together in the mountains near Almont, CO. This inclusive camp is a special place where teens find acceptance and make forever friendships with others who share their passion for the river, fly fishing, and conservation. | | | | | | Monarch Park Ponds Restoration Near the top of Monarch Pass, which rises to 11,312 feet, are the Monarch Park Ponds nestled among this picturesque landscape. During the summer of 2023, a restoration project quietly unfolded as a testament to the power of collaboration. This ambitious endeavor was not just about restoring lost fishing access, but also about rejuvenating an ecosystem that has faced challenges for 15 years. | | | | | | The Annual CTU River Stewardship Gala The annual CTU Gala is set for Thursday, March 7th, 2024. This year, the Gala will be moving to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Register now or contact us to learn more about sponsorships. | | | | | | 2024 Troutfest Colorado CTU is happy to announce that Troutfest Colorado 2024 will take place June 29th, 2024 at Coors Field. Troutfest is a day at the ballpark celebrating community, conservation, and education. Enjoy exhibitors, music, fly tying, youth activities, casting areas, and much more! Free and open to the public with registration. | | | | | | Featured Partner: Ripple Creek Lodge Situated in the White River National Forest of Northwest Colorado, Ripple Creek Lodge offers adventures into the pristine Flat Tops Wilderness Area. Ripple Creek Lodge offers accommodations in comfortable cabins, guided fishing adventures, backcountry trail rides into secluded lakes and streams and unforgettable family vacations. Ripple Creek supports the work of CTU through their annual events, sponsorships and donations. Ripple Creek Lodge is honored to contribute to local projects and programs in Northwest Colorado helping to protect and support public access in the White River Basin. | | | | | |  | -
February 3rd - St. Vrain Anglers Fly Tying Expo - Longmont, CO - Join St. Vrain Anglers at the American Legion featuring expert tyers from throughout Colorado. Learn more. -
February 3rd - Iron Fly - Grand Junction, CO - Join Grand Valley Anglers for the 2024 Iron Fly. Learn more. -
February 9th - 10th - Frostbite Fish Off Tournament - Pueblo, CO - Winter fishing competition with proceeds benefiting conservation of the Arkansas River tailwaters. Learn more. -
March 2nd - West Denver Fly Tying Clinic - Jeffco County Fairgrounds - Save the date! Learn more. -
March 7th - CTU River Stewardship Gala - Denver Museum of Nature and Science - Reserve your ticket or group table today! Learn more. -
March 23rd - RMFTU Trout Fishing Expo - Loveland, CO - Join Rocky Mountain Flycasters chapter for the 2024 Trout Fishing Expo. Learn more. -
June 29th - 2024 Troutfest Colorado - Coors Field, Denver, CO - Join CTU for the 2024 Troutfest Colorado at Coors Field. This free event is a celebration of community, conservation, and education. Learn more. See all upcoming events on our event calendar. | |  | | | | | | | | Colorado Trout Unlimited 1536 Wynkoop Street Suite 320 | Denver, Colorado 80202 303-440-2937 | info@coloradotu.org | |  | | | | | | | |