| |  |  | Making sure our public lands for now and future - so we can all enjoy them. | | Celebrate Locally Public Lands Day May 16, 2020 As Coloradans we are blessed with a tremendous wealth of Public Lands – more than 23 million acres worth, or more than the entirety of 13 other U.S. States. From State and National Parks to BLM lands, wildlife refuges to National Forests, our public lands provide a place for us to recreate, a driver for local economies around the state, and a means for Coloradans to connect with nature and recharge our minds, bodies, and spirits. In these challenging times, the importance of these treasured lands is as apparent as ever as thousands of us flock to our public lands to enjoy Colorado’s great outdoors in beautiful settings where we can maintain safe social distancing. To highlight the importance of our public lands, Colorado celebrates Public Lands Day each year on the 3rd Saturday of May. With Public Lands Day 2020 just around the corner, here are a few ways you can celebrate: - Opt outside and visit public lands near your community. Under Colorado’s safer-at-home guidelines, outdoor recreation like fishing and hiking on public lands close to your community offers a great way to celebrate. Don’t forget to share your photos on social media! #COPublicLandsDay
- Ask Congress to support our Public Lands. Senators Bennet and Gardner both are sponsoring the Great American Outdoors Act, which would permanently fund the highly successful Land and Water Conservation Fund to invest in outdoor recreation and public lands as well as providing funds to address much-needed maintenance projects for public land facilities. Click here to ask your legislator to support the Great American Outdoors Act!
- Take part in online seminars and sessions celebrating public lands this week. From a panel on the history of public lands (tonight) to a workshop on how to participate in volunteer monitoring of recreation impacts on public lands, there are a variety of virtual events in which you can participate. Check out the calendar.
- Add something on public lands into your streaming. For example, Amazon Prime currently offers Ken Burns’ outstanding documentary series The National Parks – America’s Best Idea. For kids K-12 a beautifully illustrated book, National Parks of the USA, by Kate Siber, can be found here.
- Share your favorite fishing or outdoor photo taken on Colorado's public lands and tag us, @colorado_trout_unlimited and use #COPublicLandsDay on Instagram for a chance to win a 4 piece Hardy fly rod by May 26, 2020. See details below.
However you may celebrate, all of us at Colorado TU wish you and yours a safe and enjoyable Colorado Public Lands Day! | | | | | | |  | | In lieu of this year’s River Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp, Colorado Trout Unlimited will be hosting a series of five, two hour virtual camp events called TU Teen LIVE. There are only 20 spots available, so secure your ticket today! This event has no cost, but you will need access to the internet and a Zoom capable device. Last day to register is June 1, 2020. - Session One (6/10/20): Introduction to TU Teen LIVE (10 a.m. - 11 a.m.)
- Session Two (6/17/20): Exploring Colorado Watersheds (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
- Session Three (6/24/20): Native Species Conservation in Colorado (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
- Session Four (7/1/20): Macroinvertebrates and Fly Selection (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
- Session Five (7/8/20): Exploring Conservation and Fly Fishing Related Careers (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
| | | Virtual Trout in the Classroom Training on June 15 Have you ever wondered if Trout in the Classroom (TIC) would be a good fit for your school? Join us on Monday, June 15th for a virtual introduction to the program. Interested educators, current educators, and chapter membership welcome! Professional development certification available after completion. | | | | | Tying the Chuck Caddis Tightline Productions brings you another fly tying tutorial video. Caddis patterns are essential for any fly box and this one is a simple one to tie. Requires no glitter or glue, it's all natural! | | | | | Free Trial TU Membership: Essential Workers Trout Unlimited wishes to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those workers on the front lines keeping us safe, treating the sick, delivering necessities, and feeding our nation. If you are an essential worker who loves to fish (or wants to learn) and cares about conservation, we invite you to enjoy a free one-year Trout Unlimited membership. | | | | | Spring 2020 High Country Angler This issues features an article on fishing Trappers Lake, a report on an important legislative victory for instream flows, Spring fishing tips with Landon Mayer, photos and the story from the annual Frostbite Fish-off in Pueblo, and the regular columns. | | | | | Covid-19 and fly fishing As we seek an ‘out’ to stay-at-home orders, how should anglers fish and how should guides conduct trips? | | | | | | | Featured Business Partner: Rep Your Water Rep Your Water is a long-time CTU business partner and generous supporter of Trout Unlimited at all levels. CTU was lucky enough to be their very first charity partner! Rep Your Water’s 3% for conservation program has supported conservation groups around the country to the tune of $237,000! And because co-founders Garrison and Corinne Doctor know what it takes to succeed as a small business, they came up with a creative way to support local fly shops during this difficult time. It’s called the Shop Share program and you can learn more about it here. Visit the Rep Your Water website to check out their spring line and grab a gift card to your favorite shop to be used when they open back up! Win-win! To see if your local shop is offering curbside pickup, open for some safe social distance in-store shopping, or to purchase from their online shops, please visit our map. | | | | |  |  | Win a Boulder Boat Works Pro Guide drift boat package valued at $25,333 and support our veterans and conservation! Up your social distancing game by entering to win a Boulder Boat Works Pro Guide drift boat and trailer - only $40/entry or 3 for $100! Funds raised will be split between Project Healing Waters and Colorado Trout Unlimited. Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and outdoor activities. CTU conserves, protects and restores Colorado rivers and their watersheds through advocacy, education and on-the-ground volunteer projects. Price: 1 for $40 OR 3 for $100 Drawing: June 15, 2020 at 12pm at CTU Office in Denver, CO 80202 | | | | | | | | | Due to COVID-19, many places across Colorado are postponing/canceling events, please double check any events posted on calendars to see when their new dates are and if there are virtual alternatives. Also, please note that things may change and by following CTU, TU and your local chapter on social media or through email is the best way to keep in touch. Thank you! | | | | River Cleanup May 16th, 8:45 A.M. until noon Meet at Estes Park Visitor Center Estes Park, CO Everyone will need to travel alone and practice social distancing at our initial meetup and while collecting trash. Please email Lynn Williams if you can come, so he can get a count. | | | | | | | | Colorado Public Lands Day Check out activities in lead story above. | | | | | | TU Teens LIVE - Session One (6/10/20): 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
- Session Two (6/17/20): 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
- Session Three (6/24/20): 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
- Session Four (7/1/20): 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
- Session Five (7/8/20): 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
| | | | | | | | | | | | Colorado Trout Unlimited is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to conserve, protect, and restore Colorado's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. | | Colorado Trout Unlimited 1536 Wynkoop Street Suite 320 | Denver, Colorado 80202 3034402937 | info@coloradotu.org | | | | | Share with your river friends: | | | | | |