Urge the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to ensure responsible energy development through providing safeguards for wildlife, fish and their habitat.
In October 2020, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) – the state board that approves drilling permits and regulates the oil and gas industry - will amend its rules for permitting oil and gas sites in Colorado. Your voice is needed to ensure that wildlife protection is prioritized in these amendments.
This rulemaking is required by Senate Bill 19-181, which Governor Polis signed into law on April 16, 2019. Among other major reforms, SB 181 changed the agency’s mission by directing the COGCC to ensure responsible energy development through providing safeguards for wildlife, fish and their habitat while clarifying that the COGCC may deny a permit application if its approval would not protect wildlife, the environment, or public health, safety, or welfare.
In June 2020, the COGCC released Draft Rules to amend its 1200 Series as part of its Mission Change rulemaking. Those Draft Rules are a vast improvement over the COGCC’s current wildlife rules and will result in better permitting decisions, protection of more species, and long-term protection of habitat but there is more they can do. Given these significant changes to the law and new focus on wildlife habitat, this a historic chance for strong wildlife and fish protection in Colorado. YOU have the opportunity to be part of that discussion and provide comments to the new rules.
Here are the main concerns we are submitting:
The COGCC should also require additional measures to safeguard surface waters when drilling within 1500’ of streams such as lining berms, using tanks instead of pits, collecting baseline water quality samples, and keeping spill response equipment on site.
Additional measures we support related to wildlife can be seen on the Info Sheet here.
Please take a moment to urge the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) to incorporate the strongest possible protections for Colorado’s wildlife into the 1200 Series rules (section that covers wildlife protections).
You are not able to take action on this issue as it is outside the location of the targeted districts. But, you can still help us in our efforts with the actions below!